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Call for Project ideas for 2017: Skills are Key!


Een oproep vanuit mijn Europese netwerk. Ik deel dit even met jullie. Mooie mogelijkheden een Europees project van de grond te krijgen. For whom it concerns. Groet.

Call for Project ideas for 2017: Skills are Key!
Dear Madam,
Dear Sir,Do you have a great idea for an innovative European Project on tackling skills challenges? Does it align with the priorities of the New Skills Agenda for Europe?
Whether it is in higher education, school or vocational education and training, adult education, youth or sports, get ready to set up your European project proposal and benefit from EU funding. Skills will be key in 2017!Pin down Thursday 8 and Friday 9 December 2016 in your agenda! You will get a unique insight in the Commission’s new priority on skills in the 2017 Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020 programme and meet European partners for your project idea.Find European partners for your next project on tackling skills challenge
During a project development workshop on Friday 9 December from 9.00 am to 3.30 pm, you can meet potential partners and compose your European consortium for the following upcoming calls for proposals in the field of skills:
Erasmus+ Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships
Erasmus+ Key Action 3: Policy reforms
Horizon 2020: SwafS-11-2017 Science education outside the classroom or any other Horizon 2020 call related to skills
Or any other call from another programme that fits into the topic “Tackling skills challenges”.

How does it work?
Do you want to submit a proposal as a project leader? Please fill out the form by 16/09/2016. This form should only be completed by potential project promoters who have a clear project idea and who are willing to act as a project leader in one of the three EU-funding calls.

By the end of September 2016, we will distribute your project idea* among potential partners. Interested partners will be able to sign up for the project development workshop until 21/10/2016. An e-confirmation of participation will be sent in the last week of October.

To warm up, you can participate on Thursday 8 December in an afternoon seminar. During the evening network cocktail you will have the opportunity to exchange your views with experts on education and policy officers of the European Commission.

This event is a co-organisation of the Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the EUEARLALLÎle-de-France Europethe Liaison agency Flanders-Europe (vleva), the Lifelong Learning Platform and the West-Finland European Office. Both events take place at vleva, Avenue de Cortenbergh 71, 1000 Brussels.

Get ideas for your project!
“Skills are a pathway to employability and prosperity. With the right skills, people are equipped for good-quality jobs and can fulfil their potential as confident, active citizens. In a fast-changing global economy, skills will to a great extent determine competitiveness and the capacity to drive innovation. They are a pull factor for investment and a catalyst in the virtuous circle of job creation and growth. They are key to social cohesion.”
Read more in the Commission’s Communication A new Skills Agenda for Europe.Priority competences:
  • Relevant and high quality competences: key competences – including basic, transversal, entrepreneurial and digital skills.
  • Social, civic, intercultural competences, media literacy and critical thinking.
Priority actions:
  • Better quality and relevance of skills.
  • Tools for the assessment of competences.
  • Effective and innovative teaching and assessment,
  • Open and innovative methods and pedagogies, in a digital era
  • Teacher’s, trainer’s and educator’s professional development, visibility and comparability of skills and qualifications, validation and recognition of informal and non-formal learning
  • Access to training and qualifications, in particular for the low-skilled,
  • Social inclusion

We are looking forward to reading your project idea!

Kind regards,

PDW Task Force – pdw2016skills@gmail.com
Karen Vandersickel – Liaison agency Flanders-Europe karen.vandersickel@vleva.eu
Ulrike Conrad –Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the EU ulrike.conrad@bruessel.bwl.de
Christa Jakobsson – West Finland christa.jakobsson@westfinland.be
Claudia Engstrom – Lifelong Learning Platform claudia.engstrom@lllplatform.eu
Laure Antoniotti – Île-de-France Europe laure.antoniotti@iledefrance-europe.eu
Jugatx Ortiz – EARLALL earlall@earlall.eu

*Please note that this workshop is a partnering event. The organisation can not guarantee that your project idea will be selected for EU-funding. And only the best project ideas can be presented during the workshop on 9 December 2016.

Register Now!
Our mailing address is: pdw2016skills@gmail.com

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